Subject: Conduct of HSP-Ist (Class 11th) Annual Regular 2019-2020 Kashmir Division and Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division
It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that the examination of Higher Secondary Part-1st (Class 11th) (both Theory and Practical) Annual Regular 2020 of Kashmir Division/ Winter Zone areas of Jammu Division, shall be conducted at their respective schools without creation of
Separate examination Centres, as a special case for this session only, as per
the following guidelines:
> The supervisory staff for the conduct of said examination shall be appointed by the concerned schools themselves and the action taking in appointing them shall be confirmed with the JKBOSE later.
> The Admit Cards for the students shall be prepared by the Board itself.
> The confidential material, Answer Books and other stationary items required for the conducted of said exam shall be provided by the JKBOSE as per the routine.
> The Evaluation of the Answer scripts shall be taken care of by the JKBOSE as per the routine.
The procedure of deposition of question papers and sealed Answer script packets at the concerned Police stations and any other allied activities shall remain in vogue as per routine.