Srinagar, Aug 19: Following these guidelines the present author was given the assignment of assessing and Evaluating the students of two semesters by the principal it was decided to divide the process of evaluation into four components viz continuous assessment open book open choice paper MCQ online and viva continuous assessment was done through out the duration of online teaching for open books choice paper students were given one weeks time to submit their responses open book paper was divided into two two sections section (A) was having six questions and students had to answer any five each question carried two marks section (B) consisted of five questions and student had to answer any three.
Each question carried five marks while assigning open book paper student were advised to consult any resource at their disposal however they were instructed not to reproduce the same verbatim while evaluating the responses of the students it was found that most of them really worked hard and explored in different resources and put in their efforts find answers to tacklish and well constructed questions.
There was a case or two where students directly copied from certain web page professor Google searched for them even one student in response to a question directly pasted a paragraph from a researcher paper.
One of the questions which combined the concepts of biotechnology and chemistry was attempted by none of the students because of inquisitiveness asked about the answer to that question.
The evaluators expected response for each question is available and shall be shared with the examines after the declaration of the final result.
MCQ was held in real time basis using Google forms link was shared on respective Google classroom and on WhatsApp groups for 20 questions time of 30 minutes was allowed to students.
The examinees responded well in time through in some cases some extra time was given where students complained of very low internet speed or network issues.The score of MCQ was released to the students after response from every student was recorded for viva Google forms were given used sharing the link with students to record their response from Every student was recorded for viva Google forms were again used sharing.
The link with students to record their response though more promptly for computing the overall score.all the four components were taken into account a proper gradation was observed is ready to be uploaded and forwarded to the university through coordinator examination of the college.
Syed Taqwa Shah is a teacher by Profession
and can be reached at [email protected]